Saturday, July 23, 2011

Masonic/Occult Hand Gestures

First, some pictures:

This just to demonstrate the original (and extant) meaning of these hand gestures. Now, for the goodies:

The second link is not nearly as extensive and has some overlap, but it also includes some examples not found in the first link as well as some additional important information and perspective. And remember: It's all just coincidence!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rik Clay Interview on Red Ice Radio

This is a fascinating series of videos of Red Ice Radio's interview with Rik Clay. (May he rest in peace.) The man had incredible perspicacity and insight. His death was a real tragedy for the truth-seeking community, but thankfully his work remains, and what amazing work it is. I was riveted by this interview when I first listened to it a couple of months ago, and I couldn't tear myself away from it until it was absolutely finished. Now, I intend to write additional original (sort of) articles for this blog very soon, but I still feel that it's important to share the work of others who not only have much greater understanding of concepts than I probably ever will but who can articulate and explain such ideas much better as well. Let this be my personal tribute to Rik Clay: