Saturday, July 23, 2011

Masonic/Occult Hand Gestures

First, some pictures:

This just to demonstrate the original (and extant) meaning of these hand gestures. Now, for the goodies:

The second link is not nearly as extensive and has some overlap, but it also includes some examples not found in the first link as well as some additional important information and perspective. And remember: It's all just coincidence!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rik Clay Interview on Red Ice Radio

This is a fascinating series of videos of Red Ice Radio's interview with Rik Clay. (May he rest in peace.) The man had incredible perspicacity and insight. His death was a real tragedy for the truth-seeking community, but thankfully his work remains, and what amazing work it is. I was riveted by this interview when I first listened to it a couple of months ago, and I couldn't tear myself away from it until it was absolutely finished. Now, I intend to write additional original (sort of) articles for this blog very soon, but I still feel that it's important to share the work of others who not only have much greater understanding of concepts than I probably ever will but who can articulate and explain such ideas much better as well. Let this be my personal tribute to Rik Clay:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Denver International Scareport (See What I Done There?)

I don't know about you "normals," but when I fly out of an airport, I sure as hell want some symbols of death and doom strewn about the place. If flying's the safest way to travel, you might as well remind me of my mortality lest I feel too comfortable and secure. The crappy thing is, you go to virtually any airport, and the place is bland and depressing at best, welcoming and pleasant at worst. It sucks for us padded-room types. But...NOT ANYMORE...(Drum roll, please!)...Ever since February 28, 1995, we've had: THE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Not only is it the largest international airport in the United States, the third-largest international airport in the world, but it is also the tenth busiest airport by passenger traffic in the world. Needless to say, something that grand should of course be expected to be 16 months behind schedule and $2 billion over budget--that's roughly 71% spent beyond what was projected. Makes you wonder where all that extra money went, but you know, who really cares, the day before 9/11 the Pentagon said it couldn't account for $2.3 trillion, and no one ever really gave a rat's ass about that, so what's a mere pittance of $2 billion? I mean, am I right?

Anyway, let's not get sidetracked, people. Our journey begins as we descend on Denver International Airport. As it comes into view from below, we get a happy reminder of everyone's favorite genocidal maniacs:

In case it wasn't clear, let me help you out:

Always gives me the warmest fuzzies when I see that. Kinda reminds me of how we brought Nazis into the military, CIA, and NASA. And also of this Air Force building in San Diego:

 But I'm just reading into things. As we continue to approach the ground, we might just be able to make out this:

Schematic of terminal access roads

See? It's Snoopy with a reverse nose job and breast implants--just kidding! It's a cock 'n balls. The road down the shaft is even named "Pena." 

Once on the runway, ole "Bluecifer" (at least, that's what the natives call 'im) stands ready to welcome you with outstretched hooves:

Horse of the Apocalypse? Nah, horseshit. Ole Bluecy's just misunderstood. He's had some issues ever since he killed his own creator. However, Denver likes to make its visitors feel just that little extra bit of special and at-home, so before you make it inside, there's a second friend to greet you:

Just in case you hadn't brushed up on your obscure Egyptian mythology, that's Mr. Anubis, god of the dead. Swell guy. I've chatted with him over drinks several times while attending conferences in the area. 

Once inside, Denver has its own cute versions of jack-in-the-box for you:


At this point you might be thinking, "Gee in a compass and square, I'm so grateful for all this doom-and-gloom; I really wish I could thank whoever did it!" Don't worry; they left their calling card:

Apparently, according to the inscription, this was the work of the "New World Airport Commission," which, it turns out, doesn't exist. Moving on! After walking about for a while, you might start to get restless, wondering, "When am I ever going to see any more occult symbols or in-your-face reminders of death?" Again, don't worry: we've got you covered. Look up ahead! The Mural Family has just disembarked from the plane, and they're heading this way!. This first mural contains a copy of a real-life letter written by a young girl in a Nazi concentration camp shortly before her death:

I think my all-time favorite line is "I have known fear, I have learned to hate," and the part about the "gallows ropes." Personally, I love it when innocent children die, don't you?. Oh, wait! Speaking of innocent children dying!:

Just in case you couldn't tell from the close-up, she's lying in a coffin. And you can bet yer britches she ain't takin' no nap! Ha ha! No Sir-ee Bob! Haven't had your fill of dead children yet? Well, how about dead children and a masked alien-looking soldier with a sword and automatic gun!:

Awwww!!! Truly, truly heart-warming. In case you were interested in more inspiring artwork with similar themes, check out the murals at the Bank of America headquarters

Incidentally, just in passing, you know, by the by, did I mention that if you enter into Google Earth the geographical coordinates given by the aliens in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" it will take you smack-dab to DIA? That movie came out some 16 years before the airport was even finished, when it was just an empty field. Kinda weird to have a connection between a movie about aliens and the occult and an airport riddled with occult symbolism and rumored to house aliens underground...

Finally, you're thinking to yourself, "Man, I'm in such a joyful and sky-high mood, let's go for a flight!" Whoaaa! Hold on there, cowboy! We've got one more quick stop before you get your wings:

Scratching your head and going "Huh?" You're looking at the symbolic (and quite possibly horrifically not at all symbolic) alchemical "black sun." What could that have to do with our little trip, you ask? Well, we've had ourselves a nice little adventure, and you've been a big boy today, but I'm not too sure that you're ready yet for what THAT'S all about...Fine, ok, quit yer whinin'. Go quick, stop off at the airport drug store, pop a red pill, find the "Rabbit Hole" exit, and, if you're brave enough, proceed through the newly cleansed doors of perception...:

Monday, June 27, 2011


Whether you like it or not:


The world is run by occultists, plain and simple. Most, if not all, of the elite are either heavily involved in the occult or serve those who are. We're not talking about your hippie, Leftist Wiccans here who couldn't tell their ass from bad economic policy; we're talking about very powerful, very rich members of a small number of interconnected occult secret societies. Thus, it is unsurprising that the vast majority of the world's largest corporations use logos that incorporate occult symbolism. But don't worry your pretty little head. It's just coincidence.

The All-Seeing Eye and Pyramid

One of the most common occult symbols is the eye of Horus, or, "all-seeing eye," sometimes illuminated and often within, atop, or otherwise accompanied by a pyramid or triangle (a two-dimensional representation of a pyramid). The pyramid itself is sometimes missing its capstone or has its capstone hovering above it. By far the most common example of this, and the most (in)famous, is the Federal Reserve Note one dollar bill:

The United States Federal Reserve Note one dollar bill

"Novus Ordo Seclorum" can be translated from the Latin into "New World Order," and the Roman numerals "MDCCLXXVI" are in our Arabic numerals "1776," but this is not in reference to the year of the founding of our country but the year of the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1. Notice, too, that there are thirteen "levels" to the pyramid in the picture, thirteen being one of the most important numbers in the numerology of the occult. Speaking of numerology, this can be derived from the great seal:

Now, on to other examples:

British military intelligence logo

A subliminal capless pyramid is formed  by the  "searchlights." Also, "Fox" is numerologically equivalent to 666.

Now, some examples of the all-seeing eye of Horus, nowadays quite ubiquitous:

This has not only an all-seeing eye but a subliminal radiating sun above and a starfish-as-inverted-pentagram to the left.

The Number of The Beast: 666

Not convinced? Well, "monster" (think occult queen Lady Gaga) is a synonym for "beast," whose number in Revelation is 666. Still not convinced? The motto for this energy drink is "unleash the beast." I'm sure I'm just reading into it, though, don't worry.

"66" is the kabbalistic number for the fallen angels,  but, more importantly, we have an extra "6" encoded in the badge by virtue of the fact that there are six points on its outline. Thus, "666."
The Hebrew "Vav" is the equivalent of the English "V" and has a numerical value of 6. (Some scholars will argue that, in the ancient Hebrew, it is the equivalent of the English "W"; however, this is unlikely as only the Yemeni Jews use this pronunciation presently while all other Jews use "V.") We have two things encoded here. One is "66" (as in the kabbalistic number for the fallen angels) represented by the two crossed V's; the other is "666" represented by the "V" at the top and the "W" at the bottom. (A "W" is really two connected V's, and in every language but English the "W" is called the "double V.")
The three "quotation marks" or "tear drops"  are subliminal "6"s.


This one is not obvious at first. But if you look at it long enough, you'll see it, unmistakably. Keep in mind, too, that the swastika is an ancient symbol for the sun.

Sun Symbolism

Obvious sun symbol, with red and blue symbolizing the red and blue lodges of Freemasonry.

The "O" is the yellow sun with dissipating orange rays. It is the  sun "disc" of Ra "over" head.
An obvious radiant sun rising over a subliminal "pyramid" due to the road's perspective. Why is it green?  Either random, or a reference to the most common color depiction of Osiris, an Egyptian sun god.

A mere "shell" of a symbol, or a rising yellow sun with eight sun rays?
Ah, the sun, or really, the "black sun." Don't ask.

The Winged Sun Disc of Ra

This is the winged sun disc of Ra:

Now, compare it to the following:

The Vesica Pisces

This is a vesica pisces:

Now, compare it to the following:

Chanel logo. The numerical value of "C" is "3," thus symbolically creating a "33."

A Vesica Pisces and arguably sun symbolism as well.
Saturn: The Occult's Favorite Planet

Miscellaneous Occult Symbols

In the occult, "11" is a master number, and "33" is of course even more occult. Red and blue also signify the red and blue lodges of Freemasonry, while "33" is the number of degrees in the Scottish Rite. The oblong square is also masonic. Arguably the angle made by the horizontal line with respect to the oblong square is 33 degrees.

A flaming ouroboros. Ueber occult. The street address for Lucent  (as in, the "light") Technologies, before it was bought by Alcatel, was "666".

A bitten apple, as in the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The rainbow represented is also very occult. The first Apple computer sold for $666.66.

The "point within a circle," or "target," is an important freemasonic symbol, which represents the sun, the male and female aspects, and, of course, Saturn.

Masonic point within a circle.

A red pentagram, with sun symbolism, not to mention the "T" that represents "tau."

The double XX's represent the "double cross" of the Knights Templar. The red and blue represent the red and blue lodges of Freemasonry.

A single chevron represents the female aspect, and the double chevron here also represents the cube or ashlar, figures very important in masonry. The red and blue, of course, represent the red and blue lodges of masonry.

The Dos Equis "compass and square" logo ("X" also has occult significance)

"KKK" or "11-11-11" or "33." The upright and upside-down triangles also represent the "as above, so below" principle and the male and female aspect.

The same "blood tear drop" logo as the one within the maltese cross of the "Ku Klux Klan," which was co-founded by 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike.

Do I need to spell it out for you?